Short Films
Think Eternity
Short Films
The Pursuit of God
God satisfies like nothing else, but we also quickly find we can never get enough of Him - our hearts are always thirsty for more of God.
Look Who Has Come to the World
God has given us the greatest news. Let’s not spend all our time only on what is wrong with culture, but instead let’s lift up the good news of Jesus.
Christians Aren’t Perfect
We all know that Christians aren’t perfect, and yet Christ has done an amazing work inside of each of us.
Believing the Bible by Faith
Matt Brown shares the story of Billy Graham’s early ministry when he was discouraged, and chose to trust in God's Word by faith.
What is The Goal of Your Faith?
If Jesus isn’t the prize of our faith, we are running the wrong race.
Where Is God In The Midst Of Pain?
Have you ever wondered, "Where is God?” during painful moments in your life?
Does God Want Us To Be Holy Or Happy?
Is it better to be holy or happy? Can we really have both?
Where do we find Power To Forgive?
God calls us to walk in forgiveness, but how to we find the strength to forgive when it’s hard?