Find a Church
Help Me Find a Church.
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, it is important for your faith to find and connect to a local church in your area, or to begin a gathering of other believers to pray, worship together and hear God’s Word together each week.
If you need recommendations of a good church near you, you can find it here:
Why is it important to attend church?
God tells us church is important.
God tells us in His Word that attending church is important. Attending church weekly is both the Biblical and historical pattern set forth for us by the first followers of Jesus. They would get together weekly to worship God together, and at times even daily. They would also share community together in each other's homes. Paul and the other Apostle's letters were actually sent to these church communities that gathered in various cities to be read aloud together. Church means getting together with other believers to worship Jesus Christ, and hear the Scriptures together, and encourage one another in the faith. Read more about this.
Church helps us in many ways.
There is also something powerful about gathering together with other believers to worship God. Jesus said, "Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them." (Matthew 18:20) Gathering together with other believers for church each week meets our deep need for community and connection with others, and helps us grow far more in God than we could all on our own. Don’t live out your faith alone. Read more about this.