Prayer Request
I have a prayer request.
We are always here to pray for you, and your prayer requests.
Please share your prayer request below and our ministry team will pray for you.
How does prayer make a difference?
D.L. Moody once said, "God is not bothered by our constant coming and asking. The way to trouble God is not to come at all."
Prayer is mentioned throughout the Bible hundreds of times, and the Bible tells us that prayer is supposed to be a big part of our life as a believer in Jesus.
Prayer is powerful, because it is our connection to a powerful God. Prayer is only as powerful as who you pray to. When you pray to God in the Name of Jesus Christ, who raised from the dead you can experience the powerful reality of God.
Prayer isn’t just for the most spiritual Christians. Prayer is something all of us can learn to do more of, and the more we learn the better off we will be.
God always answers the prayers of His children out of His great love for us. Sometimes it is “yes,” sometimes “not yet, keep on praying” and sometimes it is “no, I have something better for you.” As you can see, it is important to keep on praying until we know how God has answered us.
We see how important prayer is, but how should we pray? One of the greatest things you can learn in this life is to be a person of prayer. You can learn more about how to pray powerful prayers here, and how to pray like the Bible here.