Nicole reached out to us recently and shared, “you randomly popped into my news feed with a message I was desperately needing to be reminded of, “God is right beside you every step of the way.”
We hear from people all the time, how God is using Think Eternity to change the course their lives, as we share powerful faith content.
Most people reach for their cell phone 2,617 times per day.
The average social media user spends over 2.5 hours per day on their phone.
Despite this interaction, Generation Z is described as part of the loneliness epidemic—with 50% of the people feeling lonely.
But we know true hope and fulfillment is found in Jesus, and we are fulfilling our mission to share Jesus with the next generation of young people across America.
Would you help us continue to reach and impact young people like Nicole who desperately need to hear from God?
One of the greatest opportunities right now is using social media to share the gospel, lead people to Christ, and disciple them.
We minister to millions of young people across America each year with powerful faith content.
We know from firsthand experience that God’s Word doesn’t return void, and the gospel hasn’t lost an ounce of its power to transform lives.
We are a ministry team of digital missionaries, reaching the next generation of young people in America like few others are.
Share Jesus with 100 million young people through gospel presentations online.
Minister to 100,000 young people at outreaches across America.
Call 1 million young people to fast and pray in the Roaring Twenties.
Create powerful faith content like short faith videos, blogs, Bible plans, social media content, outreaches to help people find fulfillment in God.
Mentor, support, and encourage thousands of pastors, young influencers and “Digital Billy Grahams” who are together reaching the next generation in America for Jesus Christ.
If you’d like, you can read our Think Eternity 5-year vision document here.
Carrie let us know why she loves to give to Think Eternity:
“If I could only give to one ministry, Think Eternity would be at the top of my list.
I love giving to Think Eternity because they are reaching millions of young people globally for Jesus, and they have been at the forefront of spreading the gospel in the digital mission field.
They are a unique ministry that lifts and encourages other ministries too. They are conveners of other leaders like perhaps no one else, and they effectively raise up many other people to share Jesus as well.”
We are praying for friends like you who will sow into this good ministry soil for the gospel, and experience the blessing and thrill of being part of reaching one more person for Jesus.
We know God will bless you as you do, so you can bless even more. “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” (2 Corinthians 9:11)